PPG Objectives 2024

  • 1. Recruitment of patients to the PPG

    The PPG has 72 members out of a total practice patient population of 10,000. In the last year, we have lost 25 members through death and moving out of the catchment.
    We are conscious the demographic of the current membership does not reflect that of the practice population in relation to age and ethnicity.


    In partnership with Practice GPs and Nursing staff, we will seek to recruit additional members, particularly from a wider age range and ethnicity.
    The effectiveness of this Objective will be judged by a review of our membership at the next AGM.

  • 2. Support the Practice in improving the service to the vulnerable and hard to reach patients


    The PPG will attempt to communicate effectively and meaningfully with agencies supporting vulnerable and hard-to-reach patients to gain information on GP services provided and how they can be improved.

    This objective's effectiveness will be measured through reports to PPG meetings and in the Newsletters.

  • 3. Produce a practice newsletter


    The PPG has taken responsibility for producing the practice newsletter in partnership with the Practice. This joint venture relies on articles written by staff and patients. The PPG secretary will edit the newsletter.

    The Practice Newsletter will be distributed in waiting rooms, on the Practice website, through text messaging, and via email.
    This will be measured by evidence that newsletters are produced and circulated.

  • 4. Patient Experience

    We wish to support the practice to further develop its patient centred care.


    1. In conjunction with the practice, we will monitor the appointment booking system. We will continue to feedback on patient experiences to the Practice
    2. With the practice, ensure optimum use and frequency of text messages to help improve patient communication.
    3. We will continue to alert the Practice to text informative documents to service users e.g., the Newsletter.
    4. Encourage patients to access information from the NHS app and the Practice website. Continue to signpost and promote the NHS app and Practice website in the Newsletter.
    5. Support the practice to ensure that vulnerable, hard-to-reach patients are not disadvantaged by the use of digital technology.
    6. Review patient feedback on an ongoing basis.
  • 5. Practice Website Review

    Work with the practice management to put in place web resources that are up to date and meet patient needs.


    Review on an ongoing basis and provide feedback to practice management.