Test results

Blood test results are usually available at the practice within seven working days, although some blood tests take longer if they are sent to a specialist laboratory. Urine test results are usually available within five days. Radiology results (x-rays and scan results) can take a couple of weeks to return to the practice.

If your results are abnormal in a significant manner, we will usually contact you directly unless we have already arranged an appointment with you to follow up on the result.
If your result is normal we will not usually contact you about this.

You can obtain your test result as follows:

  • You may view and download your results online using the NHS App
  • You can request your result by emailing nnicb-nn.c84085@nhs.net, or requesting it via reception by phone or in person
  • The practice may send you your results by email, SMS text message, or can be printed out for you to collect from reception

If a hospital doctor requests your test, the result will be sent to the hospital, not to us. Please contact your hospital doctor via their secretary for your result.