
  • The baby clinic is for mothers and young children.

    It is held at Victoria Health Centre on Thursday afternoons from 2.00pm to 3.00pm with Dr Elias.

    These appointments are mainly used for the 8-week baby check. 

  • There have been a few well-publicised scares in the media which have caused some parents to worry about the safety of childhood vaccinations. The doctors and nurses at this practice recommend that all children should be vaccinated according to the current Department of Health schedule, including the MMR vaccine. If you have any concerns please do feel free to discuss them with us.

    Please visit:

  • We recommend that you have all appropriate vaccinations. After the age of thirty years you should have your blood pressure checked every five years – our practice nurse will do this for you. We suggest you try to keep physically active and eat healthily, don’t smoke tobacco, don’t abuse non-prescription drugs, and drink alcohol in moderation only. For further advice see the practice nurse.

  • You should have a flu vaccination every September if you are over 65 years of age, have diabetes, asthma or other respiratory disease, heart, kidney or liver disease, are immunosuppressed, or are the primary carer for a person in these groups. Such patients should also have a pneumonia vaccine every five years. If you are in doubt, our nurses will advise.

    The childrens flu vaccination is being introduced in stages. The flu vaccination will be given as a nasal spray. For more information please visit

  • If you are over 65 you are eligible for a pneumonia vaccine, unless you have had one previously. A single vaccination offers you protection for life against pneumonia.

    For further information, please visit

  • A vaccine to prevent shingles, a common painful skin disease, is available to certain people in their 70s. The vaccine reduces your risk of getting shingles, and may make the symptoms milder if you do get it. You only need to have the vaccination once.

    This vaccination programme is being gradually rolled out, and is available to different groups of people from 70-79. For further information, and to check if you are eligible, please refer to:

    A few people cannot have the shingles vaccine because of a weakened immune system, untreated TB, or a serious allergy to a component of the vaccine. Our nurse will discuss this with you.

  • We offer cervical screening (previously known as a “smear test”) as part of the national screening programme. Between the ages of 25 and 50 years women are recommended to have cervical screening every three years, and from 50 to 64 years of age should have cervical screening every five years.

    Smear tests are an excellent way of looking to see if there are any changes on the cervix which could turn into cancer. Our practice nurses are very skilled at performing these tests. If you are due a smear, please book an appointment at reception.

    Please refer to:

  • Smoking has many bad effects on health and increases the risk of many diseases, including lung disease, lung cancer, heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, disease of the arteries of the legs, problems during pregnancy and death. We understand that giving up smoking can be very difficult and we offer support to our patients who wish to stop.

    In Nottingham we have Thrive Tribe! service, who can offer support and guidance and advise on prescriptions for smoking cessation. If you would like to be referred, please speak to reception who can organise this for you.

  • We offer a comprehensive contraception service including general advice, prescriptions of the contraceptive pill/patch and we give the contraceptive depo injection. We also offer the “morning-after pill” and an implant fitting and removal service (please see Dr Elias,  Dr Gaden or Dr Jenkins for this). Dr Gaden and Dr Baig also fit the contraceptive coil and the “mirena” coil.

    For routine screening for sexually transmitted infections, please phone 0115 9627627. Clinics are held at the City Hospital and upstairs in the Victoria Health Centre.

  • Needle exchange, testing for infections (e.g. HIV, hepatitis B & C) and other counselling and advice are available at Nottingham Recovery Network, 12 Broad Street NG1 3AL (0115 947 5414).

  • Dr Mawji offers a minor surgery service. This may include the removal of moles, skin tags, sebaceous cysts & some other types of minor skin lesion, under local anaesthetic. If you have a mole or other lesion that you would like to have removed, please make an appointment with Dr Mawji to discuss it. He will explain the procedure and then he will make a date for your surgery.

  • Dr Mawji and Dr Elias perform joint injections when this is medically necessary.

  • Our healthcare assistants will take any blood tests requested by the doctor, and also as part of certain health checks (eg diabetes). Please make an appointment at reception to have the blood taken before 11am (this is because the hospital collects the samples at 11am).

  • If your ears are blocked with wax, we recommend using olive oil drops (from the chemist) for 2 weeks before syringing. This is to help the wax to soften, otherwise syringing may not work and could damage the ear drum. Please make an appointment with the nurse for syringing.