Ordering medication / prescriptions

Repeat prescriptions

If you need a regular prescription, the doctor may organise this as a repeat prescription. You can order a repeat prescription in various ways:

  • Tick the medication you need on your repeat prescription slip. Leave the slip in the 'prescription request box' in reception
  • Local pharmacies can mostly arrange repeat prescriptions for you
  • Ordering online. Please ask at reception to register or by using the NHS app
  • Email the practice at nnicb-nn.vamp-prescriptionrequests@nhs.net

You will still need a regular medication review, usually annually. This 'review due date' is shown on the reorder form.

Medications not on your repeat prescription

If a medication you have had in the past but which is not on your repeat prescription form, you can request this by:

Ordering online. Please ask at reception to register or by using the NHS app

Email the practice at nnicb-nn.vamp-prescriptionrequests@nhs.net

The GP will review your request and may contact you for further information.

Please note that we do not accept requests for prescriptions over the telephone. Please allow two working days for the prescription to be ready.